Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fitness/Workout Reviews: Spinning!

Spinning is one of those classics that really needs no introduction. The stationary bike workout has been around for years and is offered in multiple styles and formats by different companies. Entire gyms and studios are dedicated solely to this workout, and some businesses like SoulCycle have gained nation-wide fame.

Spinning has a HUGE following, and it's easy to see why. It's easy. Now, I don't mean that a spinning workout is a piece of cake, because you will leave sweaty, tired, and aching all over after a good hour session. I meant that spinning does not require you to have experience, special skills, co-ordination, or even balance. You can walk into your very first spin class and rock it! This is great for people who who get easily intimidated or discouraged by classes that seem too advanced for a beginner. 

What will you need?

Well besides your smiling face and positive attitude, spinning classes require very little. Appropriate workout clothing, exercise shoes with stiff soles (normal sneakers), and depending on your gym you may need to provide your own towel and water. The gym will provide you with a stationary bike, good music, and an instructor to lead you through a vigorous cardio workout.

What to expect: 

Most times (especially if you are a beginner) you will want to show up early. If it is your first class, it always helps to have the instructor help you to set up your bike. Trust me, having the seat adjusted to the right hight for you makes ALL the difference. You will find that people who have been spinning for a while still come in early to select the bike they want and to adjust their seat before the start of class. I always suggest a bike front and center for a beginner. Now I know most people shy away from that, but being able to see the instructor and learn the actual workout is more important than the shame you feel from 'being watched' by your fellow classmates. They're not judging you, we were all beginners once! 

  1. Great cardio workout and huge calorie burner. 
  2. Offered at most gyms and can be done at home. 
  3. Easy to learn.  

  1. Depending on your specific class it may only be a lower body workout. 
  2. Memberships to spinning gyms can be pricey. 
  3. The SEAT HURTS YOUR BUTT. Probably the one gripe most people have with spinning is the pain you are left with as a result of the seat. No one enjoys having pain in that area... but adjusting the seat to the correct height helps, many gyms offer seat pads (those don't help me), and you can also purchase padded cycling pants. 
My at home bike!

Summary: Spinning is a great workout for anyone, at any stage in your life or fitness journey. It is an incredible leg sculpting and calorie burning class. Just make sure you get a good stretch after!

Enjoy. Be Healthy. Be Happy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yanique, I'm Lindsey! I have a question and would love to speak with you, please email me when you have a moment? Thank so much. I look forward to hearing from you :)

