Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fitness/Workout Reviews: Crossfit!

Let the Craziness begin!

I recently read an article where crossfit was called the 'Scientology of workouts' and that is just dripping with honesty. I mean seriously, of all the workout formats that have a large and dedicated following, how many are often compared to a religion or a cult?....

Now I've heard about crossfit for years but never really knew anything about it other than it was intense and expensive. So of course, when a Groupon became available for an 85% discount on 2 months of unlimited crossfit I jumped on that! I bought the deal, contacted the gym, and showed up for my first class with no clue about what was going to happen...

Now I'm not going to go into every detail of my experience or the actual workouts we did, but if you're going to start this type of workout there's a few things you should know. These are all based on my experience of course, and some things may have been specific to the gym I attended, but here goes...

What to Expect: 

Most of the workouts center around strength. There is some cardio involved, we did lots of running every workout and box jumps definitely get the heart rate up, but the majority of the workout focuses on building and toning muscle. The equipment used in cross fit is a mixture of more familiar pieces like barbells and pull-up bars (do they have a name?), and some less conventional equipment such as kettle bells, ropes, and boxes.

I found the workouts to be extremely chaotic! I love order, and I found the idea posting a WOD (workout of the day) on a chalk board, setting a timer, and saying GO, to be the weirdest setup for a group fitness class. Not to mention that I was completely annoyed by their OBSESSION with what is (IMO) the worst exercise move ever invented! The Burpee... even that word is gross.

Now with that said, I didn't completely hate it. I found the atmosphere to be competitive yet welcoming, encouraging, and friendly. The workouts are difficult to get through ( I thought I was going to die!), but when you see your progress and feel yourself getting stronger and faster it is amazing. The classes are never boring because the workouts change all the time and you go at your own pace. 

What will you need? 

I would definitely suggest weight lifting gloves from day one. Apart from gloves, all other necessary equipment will be provided at the gym. Wear regular workout clothes, and definitely wear appropriate workout shoes, and bring water... lots of water. Also, as with every workout, you should carb-up before you go to the gym so that your body has the fuel it needs to get through it. 

  1. Fun and exciting, with a great atmosphere. 
  2. Effective for weightless, and well and toning and building muscle. 
  3. Full body workouts. 
  4. Not heavy on technique, so easy for beginners to learn. 
  1. Memberships at these gyms are very expensive, some are in the area of $100 a month!
  2. There is not enough focus on proper workout technique in these classes. 
  3. Due to the format of the workouts, they can be overwhelmingly chaotic.
  4. Too many BURPEES!!! ( burpees are from Hades and need to be stopped!)

Crossfit is trendy, crossfit is expensive, cross fit is addictive. 
If none of these things bother you, then it is format that offers a full body workout that could lead to improvements for persons from any fitness level. 

Enjoy. Be Healthy. Be Happy

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