Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fitness/Workout Reviews: Pilates!

Now this is a classic! At least for me. 

I remember first finding out about Pilates when I was a teenager in 6th form (Yay British school system!). My friends were telling my about Windsor Pilates, and we were all making copies of this one friend's VHS (yup, VHS) and doing the at home workouts. At the time, I didn't think much of it. I was young and had been working out for years (as a dancer). I had really great core strength and flexibility, so I found the exercises manageable and followed the program consistently for a short time. However I never stuck with it.

Years later I decided to give Pilates another shot, and boy was it a different experience... 

What to expect: 

Pilates is an intense core workout that is practiced by approximately 11 million people.  It is a full body workout that incorporates strength and flexibility, with most of the focus on the core. I personally feel like many group fitness classes only pay minimal attention to the core, so this workout    would be very different from most others. This is not a cardio class. The class uses body weight and a combination or large and small movements to strengthen and tone the muscles in your core, while improving flexibility and balance. There are different levels of difficulty in Pilates classes, and as you continue to go consistently you can begin to attend more advanced classes. 

Pilates classes come in different formats. Some classes do not use any equipment, while others use a Pilates reformer, or more common equipment like fitness balls and resistance bands. The routines are slow and simple, and though some of the moves seem complex, the classes are generally easy to follow.

What you will need:

These classes will provide you with everything you need. You simply need to show up with your workout clothes (similar to what you would wear to yoga) and sneakers. Some people opt to do the classes in socks or on bare feet, it's a personal preference. 

  1. Does not require any special gear.
  2. Basic Pilates classes are offered at many gyms, and is not an expensive series of classes (relatively). 
  3. A workout that focuses on and tones the abs, which could be a great addition to any fitness routine. 
  4. Offered at different levels of difficulty for the enthusiast. 
  1. More specialized Pilates studios that offer reformer classes can be pricey. 
  2. More of a maintenance and toning workout than one I would suggest for weight loss. 

This class would make a great addition to any workout routine. If you're looking to challenge your abs a little more, and get a nice flat and tones stomach, I would say that these classes are definitely ones you want to look into. 

Enjoy. Be Healthy. Be Happy

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