Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Balanced Living: What I Eat as a High Carb Low Fat Vegan

I'm going to start of by stating that I do not follow trends, I'm highly educated (formally), I'm a researcher so I'm used to finding out information in the work or science and research, and educate myself daily.
Why the disclaimer? That's just to detract from anyone assuming that I made an ill informed decision. I made this choice much as I do every other important decision in my life, and obsessively researched the topic before I started.

Now onto the actual post.....

Even a year ago I would have laughed if you told me that I'd be vegan one day, my response would have been "Cheese and eggs though..." yet here we are.

I'm writing this post because I seem to have the same conversation over and over. People always ask if I'm 'still doing the vegan thing' and when I tell them yes, they look at me with pity in their eyes and respond with some variation of 'it must be so hard!' Then they go on to tell me how they are somehow 'proud' of me for doing this, but they can't do it themselves because they love food too much... 

I'm here to tell you that it really isn't hard at all and no, you probably don't love food more than I do.  

I LOVE food and I'm constantly stuffing my face with foods that I absolutely love. I eat a high-carb, high-protein, planet based diet, and I've never felt better. No I do not miss animal products in my diet, in fact I hardly ever think about them at all. I do not have cravings, I'm also never hungry because I eat an abundance of delicious fruit and veggies all day long.

What does a typical food day look like to me? See below: Breakfast banana smoothie, fruit all day, and dinner of rice, roasted veggies, and beans.

Benefits of my current diet:
  1. I'm always full and satisfied because I don't have to 'watch what I eat'. 
  2. I have lots of energy. I keep my blood sugar levels up and constant, so I don't crash at any point during the day.
  3. The more you eat healthy things, the more you crave those same things. So cheese cravings... nonexistent. 
  4. When eating high-fat and calorie dense animal products, you normally experience lethargy following your meal. Now, I don't feel like I need to take an hour nap after every meal, because my food leaves me feeling energized. 
  5. I eat as much as I want (about 2500 cal) and I don'[t worry about weight gain. 

I hope this information helped you to at least consider a vegan diet. If you're interested in how I transitioned to a vegan diet (I did transition gradually) see my video below! 

Enjoy. Be Healthy. Be Happy

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