Saturday, September 26, 2015

Minimalism: Questions To Ask Yourself When Decluttering

Realizing that you've crowded your life with clutter and deciding to do something about it is only the first step...

It's hard enough visualizing ridding yourself of 70% of your belongings, but do you know what's even harder? Looking at each item that you own, and deciding if you're going to keep it or not. When you look at an item that you own; whether your bought it or were gifted with it, it can be hard to figure out if this is something you should hold on to or find a new home for. As humans we get attached easily to our possessions and most times our 'reasons' for keeping certain things are nothing more than excuses. 

You need to visualize the end goal and dedicate yourself to it.

Here are some questions that I think will help you cut through the excuses and make your declutter more effective. I literally have this inner dialogue when I look at every single item, and it hasn't failed me yet!

1. Do I currently use this regularly?
This is especially important for items that you consider staples because you've had them for a long time and you've worn them a ton in the past. While that may make you feel some sort of sentimental attachment to the items, it really is important to think about your current relationship with the items. If you no longer use them, then it's time to let them go. 

2. How long have you had it and how much have you used it in that time?
This is somewhat related to the first point. If you've had an item for a long time and gotten lots of use out of it, it should not feel like a betrayal to get rid of it if it no longer is part of your daily life. In fact, if it is something that you've used a ton in the past, then you should be happy that you got your 'money's worth' out of the item and you can move on. 

3. Would you buy this exact item again if you saw it in stores now?
 This is a great way to determine the value of an item. Many of us tend to hold on to things because we already own them and don't want to waste money. After all, what if you need it a week after you give it away? Let's be honest here, the chances of that happening with an item you haven't touched in months or years is slim to none. Think about the item as something on a shelf in a store, and think about you current lifestyle. Would you go to the store and buy this item today? If not, then it's probably not something that you're likely to miss. 

4. What things do you truly value in your possessions?
maybe you love your status designer pieces, maybe sentimental value is of utmost importance, or maybe you value practicality above all else. Regardless of how you chose to identify value in your possessions, hone in on that and get rid of things that have little or no value. 

5. Do I actually love this thing, or do I use it just because I have it?
This is a distinction I know that changed my life on this journey. I would buy an item of clothing because I thought it looked great, and it would hang in my closet for a while. I still think it looks great, but it doesn't really go with anything and I really don't have anywhere to wear it to. It's mine, I own it, and so I'm going to find a way! So I wear it... I don't love the outfit and I don't think it's necessarily appropriate for the venue, but since the piece is beautiful (and MINE) I will wear it. When I'm going through my closet, I now see it as a great piece that I wear. Don't fall into this trap. Get rid of those items that you force yourself to use, your belongings should not be in charge of you.

Enjoy. Be Healthy. Be Happy

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